Having an RMT Around & Agility Tip’s

Zev Weisdorf
2 min readJan 4, 2021


Photo by Steven Erixon on Unsplash

I am so lucky.

I quite frequently stop in awe at the amount of luck I acquire.

One thing I am grateful for is the ability to call upon our massage therapist when a client has pain or tightness.

Tiff is so smart, often giving me partial diagnosis’s to work with. I will always take her 15 years experience over my 3 years experience.

I can also bounce symptoms and ideas off her. She then bounces more ideas off me. It is a perfect relationship and resource to have in the gym.

The one thing I want you to remember today is:

By popping up when changing direction, you are using energy to move vertically, when you could be using same said energy to move horizontally. Leaning forwards during acceleration will increase triple extension anyway. Triple extension is by far one of the most powerful positions in all of sports. That is because of the posterior chain (muscles on back of body) working at it’s highest kinetic potential!
Don’t work harder, work smarter.
Top notch athlete here! @ewan_m7 of the Fanshawe Men’s Volleyball Team.
Thanks so much for reading, check me out on IG and FB at Zev Sport Performance.



Zev Weisdorf
Zev Weisdorf

Written by Zev Weisdorf

Strength Coach, Learner, Creator, Investor, Jewish, Brother to 4 incredible siblings, currently in London Ontario! Join me for the ride.

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