Boosting Your Swing: Practical Exercises for Improved Rotational Velocity in Sports

Zev Weisdorf
3 min readNov 30, 2023


Photo by Peter Drew on Unsplash

Happy anniversary! As we celebrate a year of exploration, let’s dive into the world of swinging sports and focus on a practical approach to enhancing rotational velocity. Whether you’re into golf, baseball, or tennis, these exercises are designed to amp up your rotational speed without the need for a lab coat. Let’s get moving!

Hip Mobility for Golfers: Golfers, unlock the power of your hips with simple hip mobility exercises. Incorporate hip circles, leg swings, and seated hip rotations into your warm-up routine. These exercises enhance flexibility and contribute to a smoother, more powerful golf swing.

Photo by flou gaupr on Unsplash

Shoulder Separation Drills for Baseball Players: To achieve that coveted hip and shoulder separation, try resistance band exercises. Secure a band around a stationary object, hold it with both hands, and simulate your baseball swing. This helps strengthen the muscles responsible for separating your upper and lower body during the swing.

Medicine Ball Rotations for Tennis Enthusiasts: Tennis players, grab a medicine ball for rotational strength. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball close to your chest, and rotate your torso as you pivot on your back foot. This exercise mimics the twisting motion of a tennis swing, promoting rotational power.

Core Workouts for All Swinging Sports: Strengthen your core to improve rotational stability. Planks, Russian twists, and bicycle crunches are effective exercises that engage the core muscles essential for maintaining control and generating power in your swing. Include these in your regular workout routine for lasting benefits.

Photo by Josh Hemsley on Unsplash

Resistance Band Torque Builders: To enhance torque, incorporate resistance band exercises. Anchor the band at waist height, grasp it with both hands, and rotate your body against the band’s resistance. This targets the muscles responsible for generating torque and can be adapted to suit the mechanics of various swinging sports.

Functional Movements for a Dynamic Kinetic Chain: Develop a dynamic kinetic chain with functional movements. Perform squats, lunges, and step-ups to engage the muscles involved in the kinetic chain. These compound exercises not only build strength but also improve coordination, translating to a more fluid and powerful swing.

Remember, consistency is key. Integrate these exercises into your regular training routine, and you’ll soon notice improvements in your rotational velocity. As we toast to another year of growth and learning, here’s to unlocking the full potential of your swing! 🎉

Photo by Muktasim Azlan on Unsplash



Zev Weisdorf

Strength Coach, Learner, Creator, Investor, Jewish, Brother to 4 incredible siblings, currently in London Ontario! Join me for the ride.